
Privacy policy

The organization's staff and executives pay maximum attention to the confidentiality of pending or updated customer information.

They may not use this information for personal gain or abuse. The Agency is obliged to take all necessary measures to ensure the confidentiality of this information and to prevent its abuse.

In accordance with the law, all operations carried out by employees and students in the Institution are fully and accurately recorded and conducted in a reliable environment.

Customer information is not shared with third parties or organizations, except as required by law.

Our institution does not share student information with any third party or institution without the consent of customers, unless there is a legal obligation.

Our students are obliged to provide us with real, current and accurate information about their identities. They must declare that they will not be wrong or false, that they will not persecute another person, or that they do not want to imitate or represent another person.

All information collected by the British Center is shared only with British Center staff responsible for verifying student admissions, and the sole purpose of these checks is to protect student privacy and security.

User card information is not stored on the site side

Terms of storage and use of personal data

All student information is stored in a trusted database that only authorized persons can access. All customer contracts and documents are kept in a safe environment only by authorized employees.

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